VISION: Become a Faculty that produces graduates with Bachelor of Law degreess that have good character and competitive characteristics both on national and international levels by 2020.


    1. Organizing education sciences in all aspects, which can be used as a basis for knowledge

    2. Developing jurisprudence, making a competitive law science.

    3. Conducting quality research that benefits to the community.

    4. Carrying out community service to resolve legal issues.

    5. Involvement in regional, national and international cooperation


    1. Preparing law graduates who master the character of law and are competitive.

    2. Mastering the scientific basis and basic work skills to develop jurisprudence.

    3. Producing quality research that benefits the community.

    4. Able to analyze the legal issues in the community and be able to use the law as a means to solve problems in society wisely and based on legal principles.

    5. Carrying out cooperation with various parties.



    On April 20th, 1981, Faculty of Law in Bung Hatta University received B accreditation and in 1998 based on The Decree of National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture. Then in 2013, it also received B accreditation from the  Decree of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, Ministry of Education. In 2006, as a result of efforts to strengthen self-integrity, Law Faculty Studies Program successfully won a grant for A2 PHK from the Higher Education. In 2009, the Faculty received BAN PT, May 6, 2009 which was valid until 2014.


    From its development over time, the policy for developing the Faculty of Law study programs were included in the planning, which is based on human resources, facilities and supporting infrastructure, student interest, as well as employment opportunities for alumni. These variables are used as the basis for developing the Vision, Mission and Objectives of the Law Study Program of the Faculty of Bung Hatta University.



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